The Revised Session Reaction Scale (RSRS) is a brief client-report measure of the experienced effects of therapy sessions. It consists of three subscales derived from previous research on the reactions of significant therapy events (Elliott, 1985; Elliott, Clark, & Kemeny, 1988; Elliott, James et al., 1985). The Task Reactions subscale consists of 10 items, while the Relationship Reactions subscale consists of four items. These two subscales together are are combined to create a 14-item Helpful Reactions scale. The third scale, Hindering Reactions, consists of eight items. Finally, an “other reaction” item was included as a check on scale completeness. All items are rated on 5-point adjective-anchored scales (1 = not at all, 2 = slightly, 3 = somewhat, 4 = pretty much, 5 = very much). For each item, clients were asked to rate the item on the basis of the descriptor that best fits their experience.
Above Paper presented at meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Amelia Island, Florida, June 1996.